Friday, April 08, 2011

Second time around

The first time I did Weight Watchers, the weight came off fairly easily and steadily. Though I kept most of it off for a couple of years, I stopped exercising regularly, and went back to eating comfort foods such as risotto and my favorite chocolate boba smoothie.

So now I'm back on the wagon. This time, I need to do it differently. I need to learn how to lose (and maintain) weight without relying on an intense exercise regime. I need to learn how to incorporate eating out, cake, risotto, and decadence without being "off plan." I thought that if I was having a square of dark chocolate, or a chocolate pudding cup, I was indulging, and meeting my cravings. But those aren't my downfall. I can have a square of chocolate and stop at one. I can rarely, though, stop at one serving of risotto.

I think I felt virtuous (and was smug) about losing weight before. Now I'm going into it with my eyes wide open, knowing a bit better what I need to learn.

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