Thursday, October 20, 2011

Stealing other people's ideas

Sisters4saymoreismore showed a great redesign of a cardigan by embellishing with flowers made of T-shirts.

First curve one corner.

They used about 34 flowers, which sounded like a great deal of cutting. However, I figured out how to do it fairly simply and quickly.

What usually slows me down is cutting from the upper or left-hand side, because I'm right-handed.

Cut in the top side of the first petal, then curve
the next corner.

So I did all the cuts in one direction, flipped the flower, and then made the other cuts. Here's what it looks like in progress.

After making all the cuts, flip it over.

Then make the other cuts of the petals, going in the correct direction once again.

Dang my lack of HTML skillz! I can't figure out how to a) move the pictures around to where I want them, and b) line up the captions correctly. Grrr.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Second time around

The first time I did Weight Watchers, the weight came off fairly easily and steadily. Though I kept most of it off for a couple of years, I stopped exercising regularly, and went back to eating comfort foods such as risotto and my favorite chocolate boba smoothie.

So now I'm back on the wagon. This time, I need to do it differently. I need to learn how to lose (and maintain) weight without relying on an intense exercise regime. I need to learn how to incorporate eating out, cake, risotto, and decadence without being "off plan." I thought that if I was having a square of dark chocolate, or a chocolate pudding cup, I was indulging, and meeting my cravings. But those aren't my downfall. I can have a square of chocolate and stop at one. I can rarely, though, stop at one serving of risotto.

I think I felt virtuous (and was smug) about losing weight before. Now I'm going into it with my eyes wide open, knowing a bit better what I need to learn.